World Book Day 2024

Dressing up and a fun competition!
We had a fantastic World Book Day on Thursday 7th March. Children were excited to dress up as their favourite book characters; it was a joy to see the variety of their choices and the smiles on their faces. This year we also had a competition for the 'best dressed door' - the children from each class decorated their classroom doors in the theme of a book they have been studying this year. It was well-noted around school how much the children enjoyed this activity and the results were outstanding! All the doors were amazing but the winners from each Key Stage were:
Key Stage 1 - Mrs Knight's Class in Reception
Key Stage 2 - Mrs Pallister's Class in Year 3
The photographs are attached below.
The children also enjoyed a quiz matching their teachers to their favourite books and, of course, received their World Book Day token to finish off an excellent day.