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Old Fletton Primary School values the support and challenge provided by governors. We appreciate that people with varying backgrounds and interests can add a richness to our understanding of what we can do to achieve best outcomes for our community.

It is important to balance the need for time to discuss and understand fully certain issues and to not over burden people with unnecessary meetings.

Below is the structure and responsibilities of the governing body and its committees, including levels of attendance. 

Old Fletton Governors 2023-2024

Name of Governor

Governor Category, Appointing Body and Dates of Office Committee Membership and Individual Responsibilities

Oliver Brook

Co-opted Governor

Appointed by Governing Body

12.07.22 to 11.07.26

Standards Committee

Governor with link responsibility for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities/Children

in Care

Erica Croxford

Local Authority Governor

Appointed by the Local Authority

17.05.23 to 16.05.27

Finance Committee

Governor with link responsibility for Early Years Foundation Stage / Early Career Teachers

Louise Holmes


Elected by Parents

07.02.20 to 06.02.24

Standards Committee

Governor with link responsibility for English/Phonics

Phil Hopkins


Elected by Parents

07.11.23 to 16.11.27

Finance Committee

Sarah Levy




from 01.01.16

Finance Committee / Standards


Craig Phillips


Appointed by Governing Body 18.01.24 to 17.01.28

Finance Committee

Margaret Sargent



Appointed by Governing Body

18.01.24 to 17.01.28

Chair of Governors

Standards Committee

Governor with link responsibility for Safeguarding, Headteacher’s Mental Health and Wellbeing and Staff Welfare

Adam White



Appointed by Governing Body

29.09.22 to 28.09.26

Vice Chair of Governors

Finance Committee (Chair)

Headteacher’s Performance Management

Governor with link responsibility for Mathematics

Pippa Wilson


Appointed by Governing Body

29.09.22 to 28.09.26

Standards Committee (Chair)

Headteacher’s Performance Management

Governor with link responsibility for Pupil Premium

Rachel Whitehouse-Jones


Elected by Parents

30.04.21 to 29.04.25

Finance Committee

Headteacher’s Performance Management

Governor with link responsibility for Health and Safety

Governors who have resigned or had a term of office ending within the last 12 months

Sarah Nicholson

Parent Governor – Resigned 03.02.23

Jason Mayo

Co-opted Governor – Resigned 24.04.23