We believe that every child at Old Fletton should be given the knowledge, skills and opportunities to become confident, secure and enthusiastic writers in a range of genres. Literacy units of learning allow for the children to read and understand related text types to enable them to be more informed writers, where progress in the learning and application of skills is clearly planned for across each unit and across year groups. All writing units have a clear and relevant purpose for the writing outcome.
Grammar session are taught discreetly as the first part of a Literacy session under the acronym SUPER. ( Show, Understand, Practise, Embrace a challenge and Remember) Where skills and knowledge are closely matched to the unit being delivered the links will be made explicit during the session.
Spelling teaching is delivered through the Read Write Inc programme in ability groups and is tested regularly.
All children deserve a writing curriculum where clear skills are identified and planned for throughout their school journey, delivered in whole class sessions and is enhanced in other curriculum areas.
“If you want to change the world, pick up your pen and write.”
Martin Luther